Update to Day 1 of 2000 cals:
I had a hard time keeping up with eating. After the morning snack the
oils with eggs (don't do this, yuck!) hit my guts and sent me running for the
potty. I felt real ill and my friend, who ate the same as me in the morn save
for the fruit at snack was a grapefruit for him, experienced the same results.
Poor guy was at work too so he couldn`t even lay down for a bit. So lunch
happened late. I had my chicken salad at about 2pm. This sat a bit better so I
decided to have the same for supper. Then I had a protein shake (2 scoops) for

My total came to 1680 calories for the day. I gained 0.8lb from
the day but I am still 0.2lb below LDW so I think I`m okay. I think there is no
way to NOT gain once I started to eat again. Now there is food in the track
again and that has to show as something on the scale.

So today I am feeling much better but still having troubles eating enough.
Breakfast-  steak (6 oz) 378, Zucchini (100 grams) 40, 1Tbsp Olive Oil 133, 1Tbsp Soy Sauce
10, 1 cup Almond Milk 65
Snack- Whey protein shake (2 Scoops) 220
Lunch-  Mixed Salad (tomato 16, lettuce 17, onion 22, cuccumber 9) 64, apple 73, chicken
(5 oz) 155, 1/2 olive oil 67 (spices)
Snack- Carrots (4oz) 44, 1 cup almond milk 65
Supper- Pork chop (5 oz) 400, cauliflower (4 oz) 28, broccoli (4 0z) 40, 1/2 Tbsp olive oil 67, 1/2 grapefruit 48
Snack- orange 66


Hope I can get it in!!
Okay, Tomorrow's  Plan:

Breakfast- 2 eggs 160 (calories), orange 66, 8 oz almond milk 65,
1/2 Tbsp Olive oil 67
Snack- Whey Protein 2 scoops 220, 1 cup strawberries
45, 1 Tbsp Coconut oil 129
Lunch- 4 oz chicken 124, 2 cups lettuce 17, 1 oz
radish 4, 4 oz tomato 16, 3 Tbsp guacomole 84, 4 Tbsp Salsa (no sugar added, PC
brand) 20, 1/2 Tbsp Olive Oil 67
Snack- apple 73, 3.5 oz chicken 116, 3.5 oz
cucumber 12, 1/2 Tbsp Olive oil 67
Supper- 5oz Steak 385, 2 cups lettuce 17,
2 oz onion 22, 2 oz mushrooms 14, 1/2 Tbsp Olive oil 67
Snack- apple 73, 8 oz
almond milk 65

Total=1995 calories

Wish Me Luck!!!